Replying to the conversations
You can reply to your customer messages by simply pressing the ‘r’ key or click the “Reply” icon on the toolbar. A text editor will be opened and here you can compose your reply.
Also, you can cc or bcc your reply by using the link just about the editor.
While replying, you can set the conversation status or even assign the conversation to other HelpNinja users. Click the Send Reply button to send your message and HelpNinja will open the next conversation automatically.

Add Notes
You can also add notes to your conversation which will not be sent to your customers in any case. Click on the +Note button or press ‘n’ key and you will see the below notes editor box.

Using @mentions in notes
The @mentions features allow you to ping another User or team in a note to direct their attention to a conversation without having to assign it to them.
Open a conversation, then click on the +Note button to open the note editor.
Once the yellow note editor appears, type the @ symbol and start typing your Users' names whom you want to tag on the conversation. Hit the Tab or Enter key to auto-complete your selection.