Auto-forwarding from a G Suite Group
Creating a brand new Google Group is a quick way to get up and running with HelpNinja. You'll need administrator permissions within your G Suite account to create a group. The only downside here is that you won't have a backup in Gmail of all of your incoming messages.
Open up your mailbox under Manage > Mailboxes. Here select the Connection Settings on the left menu.
On the Connection Settings page, click on the Incoming tab, and you'll see the unique identifier address which is your forwarding alias. Copy it to your clipboard and head over to G Suite Group.
Now that you're logged in to the Admin console, click on the Groups tile. If you're not seeing it, click on the More Controls banner hiding at the bottom of the page. You can drag and drop the tile to the dashboard area if needed.
Click on the Create group link in the page header. If you have an existing group you'd like to edit, you can do so from the page you're looking at.
On the first screen, provide a name for the group, an optional description, and a group email (should match your mailbox address in HelpNinja). Click the Next button.
On the next screen, make sure to set the access level to Custom, and check the box that allows External accounts to publish posts before clicking Create Group.
On the next screen, select the option to add members to the group. Select the plus icon to add a new address, and add the unique mailbox forwarding address you copied earlier. Click the Add to Group link to finish adding the member to the group.
Your unique HelpNinja Mailbox address should be a party of one: the only member of your Google Group. Keeping additional group members in the group can cause problems with forwarding directly into HelpNinja, as well as unnecessary copies among team members.
The group will be able to access and work collaboratively off the address from within HelpNinja once it forwards into your Mailbox.
That will do it - head back into Help Ninja to see your emails in your mailbox!
Next steps: Set up SPF and DKIM to allow Help Ninja servers to send emails on your behalf, or set up Google oAuth or use your own mail server to have your email sent from your G Suite Group.